Project: Digital Family Histories 1

Description :

In today's world, electronic health records are an essential part of health care industry. Although they are mainly designed for healthcare providers, patients fill out information required for the records. Patients can come from diverse demographics and socioeconomic statuses. How do we ensure that the digital family histories remain effective for such diverse group?

In this project, we explored potential solutions to this problem by revisiting existing solutions, generating possible improvements, choosing a few to work on, prototyping them and evaluating them in the end.

Team Members :

Amber Raza (araza3)
Aditya Joshi (ajoshi6)
Abhishek Arya (aarya)
Darpan Dodiya (dpdodiya)
Neeraj Deshpande (ndeshpa)
Karthikeyan Vaideswaran (kvaides)

Deliverables :

Stage Reports :