Project: triUXPA Refresh


In 2006, the Triangle User Experience Professionals Association (TriUXPA) was established as the local chapter of the User Experience Professionals Association, dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of practitioners in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area who are passionate about creating exceptional user experiences. Over time, it became evident that the TriUXPA website needed a facelift to better reflect its mission and engage with its audience. Concerns arose regarding the site's outdated appearance hindering the association's growth and outreach efforts as a 501c non-profit.
To address these challenges, a project was undertaken to refresh the website, focusing on three key areas: the UX Resource Hub, the Event Section, and the overall color scheme and aesthetics. Utilizing Figma, a prototype was developed and tested, receiving positive feedback from users. This blog explores the journey and outcomes of this transformative project, showcasing the dedication of the TriUXPA community to enhancing user experiences both online and offline.

Team Members:
  • Kabirsingh Karamjeetsingh Bhatia (kbhatia)
  • Sai Rithvik Ayithapu (sayitha)
  • Rishab Anil Muzhangathu (ramuzhan)
  • Yiran Zhu (yzhu59)

  • Deliverables:

  •  Presentation
  •  Prototype (Web Version)
  •  Prototype (Documentation)
  •  Screencast

  • Stage Reports:
  • Research
  • Generate
  • Choose
  • Prototype
  • Evaluate