Project: Doctor-Patient with Allscripts

Team Members:
Katie Brey (kebrey), Vinay Gupta (vgupta8), Mei Lau (mylau), Raghavendra Muddur (rmuddur), Pranav Firake (ppfirake), Akanksha Shukla (apshukla)

The goal of this project is to improve doctor-patient communication with involvement of better user experience. We followed UX project flow of mapping the problem, generating ideas, choosing the better ones, prototyping it using tools and getting feedback from people about prototype. We discussed with Allscripts team and Dr. Watson in all these phases for guidance. We designed prototype for Doctor-Patient appointment improvements using an application that can be installed in tablets/ cellphones. This application effectively provides the facts, observations, conclusions and further steps necessary that should involve in every Doctor-Patient appointment details with timeline view for better visualisation and provision for scheduling next appointments. This is easy to use and mobile-responsive high fidelity prototype.


Report in stages 

Phase 1: Research
Phase 2: Generate
Phase 3: Choose
Phase 4: Prototype
Phase 5: Evaluations