Site Organization

We use this site to post information related to NC State's user experience course. This includes announcements, assignments, general news items of interest, guest visitors, projects and more.

At times, it can be a fairly high volume stream of information, with external news or announcements arriving quickly. To help with filtering, we signal the type of information in each post with certain keywords, both as tags and title prefix:
  • Find: an external news item related to course content. Our most common type of post. Tag is finds.
  • Announcement: current information students need to know, e.g. deadlines and assignment adjustments. Tag announcements.
  • Assignment: instructor's description of a course assignment. Tag is assignments.
  • Example: an example site, app or program. Typically located and described by students. Tag is examples.
  • Guest: announcing an upcoming visitor to the class. Tag is guests.
  • Project: a student team's description of the final result of their course project. Tag is projects.
  • Spotted: a related paper we ran across, typically new. We've only looked at title and abstract. Tag is spots.
  • Skimmed: a particularly interesting paper we found. We've skimmed the paper itself. Tag is skims.
  • Read: a very interesting paper we've read closely. We've spent at least a couple hours reading it. Tag is reads.
  • Paper: a related paper our lab published. Tag is papers.
  • Course: a course being offered by us or NCSU. Tag is courses.
  • Opp: an opportunity for students in a related field, e.g. a fellowship, internship or volunteer position. Tag is opps.
  • Talk: a related talk given by the lab, or happening at the lab or NCSU. Tag is talks. 
  • Job: a job opportunity in an area related to course's content. Tag is jobs.
  • Competition: a competition of interest to the course's students. Tag is competitions.
  • Press: pointers to press about the course. Tag is press.
  • Flashback: a post about the visual experience lab's previous related work. Tag is flashbacks.