Below are the listings we have now- our front-end position is primarily filled at this point. Our main focus right now is filling the Cloud Engineer and the Embedded Systems Engineer. Any help appreciated!
I'll send over the evaluation script shortly as well. Thanks mate.
Open Positions:
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS ENGINEEREmbedded systems engineer will be responsible for building and maintaining embedded linux images.
Technical background required:
- Strong Linux background - Ubuntu, Debian.
- Strong shell scripting skills.
- Experience in deploying operating systems on multiple processor architectures - ARM, Intel.
- Experience with kernel configuration, drivers, and modules.
- Background in configuring server systems - Node.js, PM2.
- Low-power processor hardware experience - Rockchip, BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi.
Cloud engineer will work with our team to build and deploy reliable services to our AWS platform.
Technical background required:
- Dev-ops oriented engineer.
- Strong Node.js skills.
- Experience with AWS products - EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, DynamoDB, CloudWatch.
- Experience with notification technologies - APN, GCM, Twilio.
- Experience with web video – WebRTC, STUN, TURN
- AWS certification a plus.
Front-end developer will be responsible for implementing newly designed features in our user interface.
Technical background required:
- Ability to implement user interface from designer’s renderings.
- Strong Javascript and CSS skills.
- Experience with Javascript UI frameworks – EnyoJS, Sencha, JqueryUI.
- Mobile app development experience a plus.
Systems integration engineer will be responsible for integrating 3rd party home automation and health devices into our platform.
Technical background required:
- Focus on integration with 3rd party protocols.
- Strong understanding of communication protocols – TCP, sockets, REST, serial, Bluetooth GATT.
- Familiar with various radio technologies – Wifi, Bluetooth LE, Z-Wave, Zigbee, Insteon.
- Experience with Javascript and Node.js.
- Experience with communicating with partners a plus.
Test engineer will be responsible for implementing automated testing of code and user interfaces.
Technical background required:
- Analytical individual with ability to develop comprehensive tests.
- Strong Node.js skills.
- Experience with test frameworks – Mocha, Selenium, PhantomJS.
J.David Weiss
Founder | President - DesigNova Creative Associates
US Mobile: (+01)919.356.4620
EU Mobile: (+31)06.2132.5404

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Founder | President - DesigNova Creative Associates
US Mobile: (+01)919.356.4620
EU Mobile: (+31)06.2132.5404
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