---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Rieder <dmrieder@ncsu.edu>
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 6:09 PM
Subject: Help me promote Maymester course on humanities 'physical computing'
To: Benjamin Watson <bwatson@ncsu.edu>
Hi Ben,
From: David Rieder <dmrieder@ncsu.edu>
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 6:09 PM
Subject: Help me promote Maymester course on humanities 'physical computing'
To: Benjamin Watson <bwatson@ncsu.edu>
I'm teaching a Maymester course titled "Intro to Humanities Physical Computing." The course is based on Arduino and Processing programming. It's a course that does not require any technical expertise (beginners are welcome), but one in which a technical background won't hold anyone back. Most class periods will be devoted to hands-on tutorials, experimentation/prototyping, and collaborative project development. it's a course that can count toward 3 GEP credits of either IP or HUMA.
I've attached a flyer. If you wouldn't mind forwarding it to your undergrad students I'd really appreciate it.
David M. Rieder, Associate Professor Dept. of English, NC State University Associate Director, CRDM PhD program Co-Director, Circuit Research Studio Box 8105 / Tompkins Hall 232A Raleigh, NC 27695-8105 --- http://ift.tt/1xV3l7w dmrieder@ncsu.edu