
Project: Tractor Experience - KMP


Caterpillar Inc. is an American Fortune 100 corporation which designs, develops, engineers, manufactures, markets and sells machinery, engines, financial products and insurance to customers via a worldwide dealer network. They are responsible for manufacturing utility vehicles with the goal of being safe, productive, commercially viable, and convenient.

As a team, our goal was to improve the user experience provided by these utility vehicles while improving their safety given they are prone to toppling in rough environmental conditions. Our prototype was aimed at providing more relevant information from the environment to help the driver better judge the driving conditions and safe speeds. With a lot of guidance from Mr. Hedley, our correspondent from Caterpillar and Dr. Watson, our professor, we built mock-ups of our prototype through Photoshop and attempted interactivity via google slides.

Team Members:

Fuzail Misarwala (
Kavi Pandya (
Kunal Kulkarni (
Lin Zhu (
Chang Yan (
Sai Krishna Panakanti (

